Friday, June 18, 2010

Blog Hop Station Number 19

Welcome to my little piece of the FIRST EVER BLOGHOP!

Here is the preview of my Quick Page created just for you:

Click HERE to download your free goodie!
(Please note that it will only be available from 
Friday, 10pm EST until Sunday, 10pm EST)

When you are ready to head to the next whistle stop on our train, 
click HERE (sorry, no longer available)

If you came to my blog first and are a bit turned around,
click HERE to start at the beginning and work your way through all
33 (yes, you read that right) FREEBIES! 

Then, hop back to and register for the FREE 
card class that starts the 28th of this month. 

Thanks for playing...come back and visit anytime!


  1. love this......a keeper i can use over and over! has been so cool getting to know all you gals! xo

  2. you rock, sarah! thank you so much for contributing your awesome talent to our bloghop! (((hugs)))

  3. Cute layout and adorable blog topper the hat is awesome!

  4. Really AWESOME QP. Thanks for the goodies :) Happy Birthday!

  5. Thank you Sarah a woman after my own heart at last someone telling which station I am on - the stops have been fantastic this being my first blog hop - I was wondering if I was on the right track :)

    I have created a Jessica blog folder for you all so I can come back - its been a busy morning chasing the train phew no time for creation - we are a bit behind you in the time but I suppose that gives more time :)

    Thank you so much for your gift have a great weekend xx

  6. Thanks so much, love your website header, my girls love to draw with chalk I hope the next house has a driveway that they can draw like that in!

  7. Such pretty colors. I like this very much - thank you!

  8. Thanks so much for the sweet QP BD gift.

  9. Thank you so much for sharing!

  10. Love pages where you can use multiple photos. Thanks for sharing. And thanks for letting us know that this was stop #19. I was worried that maybe I missed one on the tripl

  11. I really love this QP--thank you so much for creating it.

  12. I really love the angle of your playful photos. THANKS for the QP.

  13. Thanks for this awesome QP, I love it. I also love those jammies you made. Great job!

  14. Thanks for the great page. It's so fun seeing how each designer uses the same elements. I appreciate your telling us what number you are. I had lost track and was wondering how many more blogs to go. It's so much fun seeing all the new blogs. I too, will have to come back and visit again.

  15. Thanks for the cool page and WOW this is hard work, following this train on this big big journey... Thanks for letting me know I am at the station 19 platform, I'm over more then half way yippeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!

    cheers Lucy/Scrapinthyme x

  16. thanks for the great quick page! love it!

  17. Thanks for the freebie!

  18. Awesome QP!! TU


    {Pattie's passion}

    I Scrap So All Moments Are Remembered!

  19. Lovely quick page - thank you!

  20. Thank you for the lovely page!

  21. Your page is lovely, thank you! And you blog header is so cute!

  22. I love the page but I can't open it once it is saved on my computer...:(

  23. thanx for sharing your talents!
